Singing Valentines (left to right): Barbara Luerig, Mike Simms, Linda Kurita, Ellen Cheshire, Bill Hackley, Danise Sharp, Ann Madigan, Marti Conley, Chris Dugdale, Sheilah Ross, John Stanton, Janice Stanton, Carol Copeland, Mary Fabian, Suzanne Horne, Rick DuBose, Barbara Wilking, and Carol Heine. Not pictured are Melba Beckham, Linda Smith, and Fran Hackley.
‘Singing Valentines’ Spread the Love
March 15, 2022
Frances Hackley, Publicity Chair
The Robson Ranch Music Club started the year off with “Singing Valentines” once again this year.
Again, they were well received in the community. The singers went house to house “spreading the love” around Robson. We could not have asked for better weather, especially in our more-times-than-not crazy February.
The sun was beaming, as were our “Valentines.”
Our merry group of singers sang from a list of these chosen songs: “Can’t Help Falling in Love,” “Still the One,” “Forever and Ever Amen,” “You’ve Got a Friend,” and “You Are My Sunshine.” Everyone involved had a wonderful time, and the “Love” was felt by all involved. You never know how just a three-minute song is going to touch someone.
The Valentine recipients know, the Valentine givers know, and our delightful group of singers know.
We all so enjoyed sharing our gift of song which, in turn, let others show their caring for each other.
Not only were folks beaming from ear to ear, but they also shared a few hugs, smooches, and sometimes a little dance, along with a few tears. Thank you, Robson, for supporting the Music Club.
If you did not get a Valentine or get a chance to send one this time, watch for us next year, and don’t miss out on this sweet gesture of caring. Just ask someone who received or sent one this year what joy it brought them.
Our next event will be the St. Patrick’s Day Dance/Karaoke “The Jig Is Up” on March 11, at 7 p.m.
For all information on the Music Club and upcoming events, go to