These folks came to our St. Patrick’s Day Dance last year in all their green Irish glory and had a “craic” of a time.
St. Patrick’s Day Karaoke/Dance
March 15, 2023T
Frances Hackley, Publicity Chair
“The Jig Is Up” St. Patrick’s Day Dance is on St. Patrick’s Day this year, March 17, at 6:30 p.m.
The annual event is sponsored by the Robson Ranch Music Club. Come join in all the “Shenanigans” and party like you’re Irish. After all, everyone is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day! So, don your green and come to the “sesh,” as the Irish say. “Get Jiggy With It” and do a little jig or croon a little song. A “Light Irish Supper” consisting of two corned beef sliders with cheese, Thousand Island dressing, and a cup of potato soup is being offered.
Tickets are $15 for the dance and $12 for the meal.
Tickets are on sale in the clubhouse from 9 to 11 a.m. every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday through March 15.
Tickets are also available on PayPal via our website,
Dance tickets are $16, and dance with food tickets are $28.50.
The meal ticket must be purchased by March 15. Tickets at the door are $17.
We have your eating and your dancing all covered. Now, how about the “swallyin”?
Well, as luck would have it, we are all over that like a Leprechaun on a Pot of Gold.
To keep your “Irish Eyes a Smiling,” there will be a cash bar with a few special Irish-themed drinks.
You will definitely want to “swill” back a tasty Irish coffee, Irish beer, or Bailey’s Irish Cream.
You know, if you are lucky enough to be Irish, you’re lucky enough!
For those of us who aren’t, for this one day, we get to party like we are!
Come wear your green and start the year off jigging your way right into a new year of Irish Luck!
As the Irish say, “May neighbors respect you, trouble neglect you, the angels protect you, and the heavens accept you!” Don’t let yourself be the one who misses out on all the “Shenanigans.”
Go to for all information on this and upcoming events.
To all who joined us for our Mardi Gras Karaoke/Dance, thank you for a great evening!
Hope to see you all at our St Patrick’s Day event. You folks really went all out with the Mardi Gras outfits, masks and all. Congratulations to our Mardi Gras King and Queen, Gene and Barbara Martin, who received a King Cake, by the way.
The couple just happened to show up in their King and Queen Mardi Gras outfits!
How could they not be officially crowned!
Soon to follow this event is a concert by the Robson Ranch Choir.
Show dates are April 15 and 16, so mark your calendars. You do not want to miss this red-carpet event!
The choir will be performing great songs of the movies.